Thursday, April 29, 2010

First attempts.

This will be my first entry on this new blog that I created for me and my wife and our lives together. No, our lives are not to exciting and we do not go on many adventures. I go to school and work at nights while she teaches 6TH grade. But we do not need adventure in our lives to be happy. We are most content with the time that we do have to just spend holding each other. We have been married almost a year and a half and still find the still moments together most cherished. I love my wife so much that I thank God often for sending me a women that makes me feel for the first time in my life worth something. Someone who accepts me for me and loves everything about me despite my many many flaws. When I hold her I hold my world. Each day I awake next to her and appreciate what the Lord has done for me to be able to have this wonderful women. We do have our ups and downs but they do not last. They usually start of with anger and end up with both of us crying. I can never stay mad at her, she smiles and I melt. That smile that ever so gently lays on her face is to me magical. Her laugh is one of my favorite sounds in this whole world. I even tickle her just so I can hear it. Anyone that has heard my wife laugh would understand what I mean. When we first met and then first married she was a quiet and shy individual just not comfortable in her own skin and unsure of herself. Since we have been married I have seen her grow and bloom into a beautiful women with confidence to overcome any obstacle that may enter in her path. Recently she did something that made me so proud of her. She wanted a job at a local school here in Rexburg and she went and met the principle face to face and introduced herself. She went out of her comfort zone and did something she would think more then twice about before we met. She also has become more cheeky. She has started to fight back. When I tickle her she would not fight back but now she comes after me with tickles. I have competition now. She gets me often but I never let her know it. We look forward to the moment when we have a family. But for now we will enjoy the moments we get to babysit our good friends baby girl every Thursday. We love it and we love our neighbors for allowing us to take care of their girl even though it is only for an hour. We want a family sooo bad right now but it is not according to the Lords will. It is difficult for us to deal with at times but we make it through. Well I guess this will be it for right now. Until I write again, good bye.